Phone Phobia

In selling, there will be a lot of cold calling and sales pitching that can be intimidating. To help overcome the fear, remember:

  • Sales conversation is just a dialog
  • The prospects love to hear from you, since you are offering a solution for their problems
  • Selling is telling AFTER listening; no one likes sales pitches, but they  like to talk about themselves

Engaged Selling

Prepare a 3-stage sales cycle:

  1. Sow: offer a free of charge evaluation or trial to flaunt the benefits
  2. Hook: sell a service/product that is very affordable yet valuable
  3. Fish: offer the full service/product to those on the hook

It’s simple and effective.


Inspiring, Practical, and Funny


“How To Be Successful” Blurb

Every 15 mins you have to make a decision. To be successful, only make good decisions!


Financial Plan Guidelines

After expending some time, cash, and brain cells, I have a guideline for financial plans:

Work it out from top to bottom

  • With any new idea, plan the financial plan first
  • Quantify in dollars the problem that your new idea solves
  • Look at cost of alternatives to solve the problem
  • Goods costs
  • What is your operating costs?
  • Set a selling price
  • Find the number of immediate customers (with most pain) in the first THREE months
  • What is the cost of customer acquisition? (related to creating awareness and attracting traffic to your business)
  • Cost of sales? (different from customer acquisition and due to closing a deal)
  • What is the revenue in the first THREE months?
  • Is it a recurring sale?
  • Find the cost of retaining a customer
  • Cost of growth for percentage of growth
  • How the cost of customer acquisition/retention changes with your growth?
  • Net profit and gross margin (minimum 50% for technology companies)

You should be able to infer from the financial plan

  • How much investment is needed?
  • When is the break even point?
  • How much more for a faster growth? In how long?
  • Is cost of sales decreasing?
  • Is cost of customer acquisition decreasing?
  • Is gross margin increasing?

Giving UP?


Business Plan

In your business plan cover the following topics:

  1. Vision: your elevator pitch
  2. Problem: is this an Aspirin or Vitamin? why do customers care?
  3. Market: who are your customers?
  4. Solution: how are you solving the customer’s pain (high level)?
  5. Technology: what is your secret sauce? include development risks
  6. Business Model: pricing and gross margin
  7. Sales Cycle: value chain, product pull, distribution channels
  8. Competitors: key companies, strengths and Weaknesses
  9. Competitive Advantage: key differentiators (are you 10 times better?)
  10. Team: management and board of directors (who’s behind you?)
  11. Traction Record: key achievements and traction creation
  12. Financial Plan: 1st year monthly cash flow and five year projection
  13. Capital Structure: who owns what and price paid
  14. Offer: how much for what percentage (how profitable your venture is?)

This list is adapted from OCRI’s outline for an investor pitch.



  • Business is about winning
  • You have hardcore smart competitors
  • Opportunities are very scarce and far apart; there is no second chance!
  • Keep it simple, stupid!
  • Always be closing
  • Constantly work on your presentation/business plan
  • Listen to your customers
  • Cash flow speaks the truth about your business