Hidden Psychology Of Why Customers Come Back

Apply these 3 simple technique to get more customers:

  1. Labor = Love (Ikea Effect): the more time or work we put into something, the more valuable it becomes for us
  2. Consistency counts (turn the small sign to the big sign): it is much easier to use the past behaviour and previous experiences into something bigger rather than having a big ask upfront
  3. We avoid cognitive dissonance (Aesop’s Fable – Fox and grape hanging from the vine): if it is too hard to reach, it must be bad and we don’t like it

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/19/the-hidden-psychology-of-why-customers-come-back/


12 Most Powerful Words

These words have been proven to evoke emotion in a listener or reader [attributed to a research from the Psychology Department of Duke University].
  1. You
  2. Money
  3. Save
  4. New
  5. Easy
  6. Love
  7. Discovery
  8. Results
  9. Health
  10. Proven
  11. Guarantee
  12. Free

How do you feel after reading these words?