How to Make Decisions

  • Timebox (T):
    • This feels like a hard to reverse the decision, so Michelle aims to make it by the end of the week.
  • Generate More Options (O):
    • Michelle uses the Vanishing Option Test to think of alternatives. If she couldn’t rewrite the whole app using Flutter what could she do?
    • Use a hybrid approach and only rewrite a section of the app in Flutter.
    • Have the iOS and Android developers systematically pair-program when implementing features.
    • Use another cross-platform framework such as React Native or Xamarin.
  • Meta (M) Decision:
    • What should Michelle optimize for? She comes up with the following hierarchy: 1) cross-platform consistency 2) performance 3) development speed
  • Analyze (A) Options:
    • Michelle concludes that for Flutter to be the right choice, a developer should be able to deliver the same level of quality in 50% or less of the time (to account for the risk and learning time of using a new technology).
  • Step (S) Back:
    • Michelle decides to make the decision first thing Friday morning and do a 10/10/10 analysis to ensure she’s not putting too much weight on short term emotion.
  • Prepare (P) to be Wrong:
    • Michelle decides to timebox a prototype: over the next 2 weeks, she will pair with a developer on her team to build a section of the app using Flutter. She will then ask her team members to do a blind test and see if they can guess which part of the app has been rebuilt using Flutter.





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